Clothing File naming system
Hi everybody, I just thought I ought to write up a detail about my file naming system to clairify it for those who are kind enough to download my stuff. If you are new to the game or just starting out making your own stuff you might find it helpfull to adopt the system or something like it.
Can be broken down as:
xxxxxx_123_SKS_Mesh shape_item general description-specifyer (Usually color)
xxxxxx = 6 digit random number assigned by Body Shop in the item creation process. on my computer I always move this number to the back, but TSR wants it in front (its original position) for submissions.
1 = Age as follows; A=Adult, C=Child, D=toDdler, E=Elder, T=Teen
2=Sex as follows; F=Female, M=Male
3=Type as follows; B=Bottom only (Pants), BS= Bottom only (Shorts), T=Top only, F=Full outfit (Everyday), FF=Full Formal wear, U=Underwear, PJ=Sleepwear, Swim=Swimwear, WO=Workout, O=Outerwear
Mesh shape is basic but gives you an idea of what mesh it goes to in this case "Baggy" = Mesh_AMB_SKS_Loosfit_Sneakers
Item general description: on this mesh there are several styles applyed so Studs refers to the pants with studded straps
Specifyer: Almost always a color that designates it from other similar items
Thus: TMT_Nude_Net-Gold would be: teen, Male, Top_ Nude fit mesh_Net style shirt- in a gold color.
I Find this system works extremely well when trying to find the right file for a specific item. If I know what the item looks like I can generally find the file without any problems.
NOTE: If you are starting to create items and you want to put in an artist name it works best if it is either short (like SKS) or if you put it at the back of the file name. Files with long artist names up front are difficult to fish through and I (& Probably most people) end up abbreviating it or simply deleting it.